How to Get Linkedin Connections Fast?

How to Get Linkedin Connections Fast?

There is no doubt that LinkedIn has seen a rejuvenation of sorts in recent times as is evident by its record-level engagement rates and 610 million account holders. Users have begun to visit the professional networking site regularly. It is a great platform for sales and relationship building in business. LinkedIn operates on a connection-building model and the following tips answer the one pertinent question, how to get LinkedIn connections fast.

Use LinkedIn Groups

Joining LinkedIn groups is a great way to stay updated with recent activities in the business world and to network with relevant professionals. When you join a LinkedIn group, you will see all the members of that group starting with the ones who engage the most on the group. It is a good idea to go through the list and send connection requests to these users. More often than not, they will accept the request and you will be off to a decent start.

You will find that once you reach a decent number of connections, you will get more connection requests in your inbox and you can slow down this approach.

Use long-form posts to tell a story

It has been said time and time again, in business stories sell. LinkedIn is no exception here. You can use the platform to tell an inspiring tale from your career. Approach this post like you would any other story, start with an attention-grabbing piece of information (aka the hook) and then narrate your experience and the lessons you learnt.

Share articles regularly

This is an alternative to writing fresh pieces of content. If you are in a time-crunch, you can share an article on any trending topic written by other LinkedIn users. You can also republish your own content from the past. The key in this approach is to share your personal opinion on this piece of content and include links to the old articles. Posting regularly will give you increased visibility as you will appear in people’s feeds, your engagement level will rise and it will get noticed. This is a great way to get LinkedIn connections fast.

Use your headline effectively

Be honest, what’s your headline on LinkedIn? In more than a few cases, it is the current job position the user is holding at their company. Such a headline is not ideal as people don’t usually search for designations and job titles as much as they search for someone who can do a task for them. This means people are more likely to search for a blogger than a content manager. Moreover, a Content Manager is also a copywriter, editor, blogger and much more, it is a good idea to get these keywords featured in your profile.

One of the more interesting ways to use your headline is to show social proof. Headlines that tell the reader about the number of people helped, the amount of capital raised for a venture or any instance where you were in a public highlight. This lends credibility and grabs the attention of the reader. People want to connect with stellar profiles and you will get LinkedIn connections fast.

Network with LinkedIn Influencers

Influencers have high visibility and credibility on LinkedIn. In order to network with influencers, start engaging with them on their content, add value to them and eventually form a relationship with them. You can then tag the influencers on relevant posts. It can’t be stressed enough but influencers don’t like to be spammed unnecessarily.

Engagement is the key to get LinkedIn connections fast

Essentially, LinkedIn is a networking platform and so engaging with people is the name of the game. Take out some time every day to engage with people and their content. Read their updates and articles, leave insightful comments that add value to them. Doing this over and over again will increase the chance they will connect with you when a request is sent.

It helps if you personalize the connection requests with a message introducing yourself and why you are reaching out to the potential connection.

Publish a video

Video content is a relatively new feature on LinkedIn. This means LinkedIn is prioritizing video and this presents an interesting opportunity. Due to its novelty, the competition for video content is less giving creators an opportunity to make an impression on the viewers. Be on the lookout for live streaming on LinkedIn, the feature might roll out in the future presenting another exciting opportunity.

Final thoughts

LinkedIn presents a unique and exciting opportunity for people and businesses to network with professionals potentially resulting in big business opportunities. It is pertinent to build a large number of strong connections. If you are wondering how to get LinkedIn connections fast, get started now and let the magic happen.